Here’s How You Can Identify Three Common Skin Types

by | Jul 26, 2019 | Health, Skin Care

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For most people, skin problems are as diverse as the skin they are plaguing. These skin conditions can range from a slight nuisance to a disaster that can ruin your entire day. Dry, itchy skin that flakes and peels or invasive, blotchy red marks that seem to spread despite your best efforts can make you feel desperate for relief. The majority of people are not sure of their skin type, and if you are like most of us, then no worries. Read below for symptoms of three common skin types. After learning your skin type, you can find the best natural skin care products for you.

Dry Skin

Signs of dry, dehydrated skin include itchiness, flaking or peeling, and irritation that may be accompanied by redness. Wearing makeup to cover it may only make things worse; most products tend to stick to dry patches, resulting in an uneven application. Even when makeup is carefully applied, it tends to flake off after a few hours. This leaves your skin even more itchy and irritated.

Oily Skin

A common bane of teenage years comes in the form of oily skin, but this is a skin type that affects millions of adults as well. Sebum is the actual term for the excess oil production which increases your chances of getting blackheads and acne. Due to its waxy texture, sebum collects dirt and other particles. The skin may look greasy around the nose, chin, and forehead. Makeup that is applied to oily skin can be prone to creasing and smearing, especially eye makeup.

Sensitive Skin

Most with this skin type are not likely to expand past their set routine because so many combinations could bring on adverse skin reactions. Doing a patch test to check how you respond to different ingredients is vital for sensitive skin types. When the skin gets irritated, redness, inflammation, and rashes can occur on a daily basis.

People with these skin types, although they need them most, generally have trouble finding the best natural skin care products due to their trouble adjusting to new regimens. With so many factors needing to be considered, choosing the best product for your skin can be a challenge. Azenify Skin and Health Solutions can help you find what you need. Contact and get the best natural skin care products for your skin type today!