TW tote crafts high-quality luxury lunch bags for people from all walks of life. This company was inspired from a real need and desire to give people a better way to carry their lunches. The creators of this luxury lunch bag struggled to find something to place their lunch in. Traveling to work with a brown paper bag just wasn’t sufficient.
Instead the creators Shallon Thomas, and Sherika Wynter took matters into their own hands and decided to design a luxurious lunch bag that reflected their individual styles and personalities. Today, both the owners are on a mission to continue designing one of a kind lunch bags.
To take their brand a step further, T|W Tote decided to use vegan leather to craft their elegantly designed totes. Their lunch bags are suitable for adults and are insulated to keep your food warm or cold throughout the day. The bags are made for individuals who like to carry their lunch totes in their hand or prefer to throw it over their shoulder to carry their lunch.
These lunch totes also come in different colors. Whether you’re carrying food or beverages, this lunch bag is the perfect way to keep all of your items in one bag. If you’re looking for a beautiful lunch bag, visit their website at