Highly Rated Family Dentists in Neenah WI

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Dentistry

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Most dental problems result from poor oral hygiene. If left unchecked, it could affect the health of other body parts. Neglect of oral hygiene gives harmful bacteria ideal conditions to thrive and attack the teeth and gum causing decay and other diseases. Some of the dental disorders include tooth decay, bad breath, periodontal, oral cancer, mouth sores and tooth erosion, among others. It is, therefore, paramount that you get regular inspections by Family Dentists in Neenah WI. To show that your overall health is connected to your dental health, below are the health risks that are linked to oral infections:

* Heart disease: gum disease could lead to the entry of bacteria into the blood stream and impair your cardiovascular system

* Diabetes: diabetic victims have reduced immunity that exposes them to the risk of bacterial attack causing gum disease. Victims are thus likely to lose their teeth

* Osteoporosis: it refers to brittle bones that are prone to fracture. It is connected to loss of teeth

* Cancer: use of tobacco is a major contributor to oral cancer. If it is not treated quickly, it might spread to other body parts in later stages

* Infections: bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream due to gum disease that exposes the flesh. The infections can replicate to the rest of the body

* Weak immune system: People with weakened immune system such as HIV/AIDS victims are susceptible to oral infections such as painful sores.

Dental care and treatment is a sensitive and delicate procedure that requires you to get quality services from the Family Dentists in Neenah WI. A good dentist should be should be compassionate in his or her work, always ready to render the service first. Money should not be the motivating factor in discharging the task at hand. A confident and reassuring dentist gives the patient hope that he or she will be treated well. Excellent communication and good interpersonal skills are very essential. The patient should be told the kind of problem being treated and the procedure to be followed. A dentist who follows a textbook approach is likely to be very accurate.

Good oral hygiene can be kept by observing basic routines. Eating healthy food and quitting smoking will help in preventing gum disease. Regular brushing and flossing will keep cavities at bay. Lastly, using mouth guards or splints will help in preventing grinding of teeth.