Are you confused about the various forms of child custody in Pennsylvania? If you intend to fight for custody of your child or a minor family member, it is advisable for you evaluate the custody types available in the state to secure your rights. A Custody Attorney Reading PA can explain how each form of custody affects how you make decisions concerning the child and how they could alter your life.
Choosing a Form of Child Custody: In the state of Pennsylvania, legal custody implies that you have full rights to make all decisions concerning where your child or family member attends school, seeks medical attention, and whether or not he or she attends religious functions. It is the highest form of child custody and allows you to keep the child within your home primarily. This implies that the other parent has visitation rights based on the court’s approval. If you wish to file for legal custody of your child or a minor family, you should contact a Custody Attorney Reading PA.
With legal custody, the court may impose stipulations based on whether the approved form is classified as sole or shared. When the court determines that the other parent could pose a risk to the child’s safety or well-being, sole custody is awarded. In cases where a protection order was acquired and the findings of a social services investigation implies that physical or sexual abuse was a factor, the court awards this form of child custody.
Visitation rights are either eliminated or supervised and for a limited amount of time when this is the case. Shared legal custody is awarded when both parents are deemed fit to raise the child. This form of child custody allows both parents equal rights in terms of decision making. In these cases, the child may spend the same amount of time with each parent. The court may impose restrictions that imply that both parents are required to live within the same city to enable the child to continue to attend the same school.
However, arrangements are made to allow equal time for the parents, if either chooses to live in another area of Pennsylvania or elsewhere. A Custody Attorney Reading PA can assist you with defining these limits, when you file your petition. Visit Ebner Nevins & McAllister for more information.