Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney in New Haven

by | May 9, 2013 | Law

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When you’ve been injured because of the negligence of another person or a company, you may want to call a personal injury lawyer. These lawyers specialize in cases where someone has been injured, and can help you get the money that you need. Your lawyer will be there to help you get the money that you need to pay your bills and get back on your feet either through a settlement or through going to court.

Looking for a lawyer can take a bit of time. You want to make sure that your Personal Injury Attorney in New Haven specializes in the type of injury that you have had. Some lawyers specialize in slip and fall cases, where others can specialize in auto injuries, work injuries, medical malpractice, and more. Finding a lawyer that specializes in a case like yours ensures that they have specific knowledge about your case and the possible outcomes. They will be able to tell you the chances that you have of settling out of court, winning in court, and how much money you may be able to get to cover your hospital bills, lost work, pain and suffering, and possibly lawyer fees.

When you first meet with your Personal Injury Attorney New Haven, make sure that you have all the information possible about the case with you. This includes hospital bills, pictures if available from the accident, police reports, or any paperwork that you filled out about the accident. The lawyer will need this information, not only during the case, but also at the initial meeting to see how he can best help you. This information will give him a good overview of the pending case, and he will then be able to answer any questions you may have about the lawsuit or a settlement

Searching for a Personal Injury Attorney in New Haven to represent you is a step that should not be taken lightly. You want to find a lawyer who is able to practice in your state, who has past experience with cases similar to yours, and who you think would be able to represent you and get you the best outcome possible. Once you have found a lawyer that fits this criteria, he will help you through your case and do his best to get you the settlement that you need to get on with your life.