Hiring Commercial Moving Services For Houston Industries

by | Feb 15, 2016 | Moving

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Virtually all commercial moving services in the Houston areas will move offices and retail spaces. These are moves that include some electronics and equipment, but the vast majority of the move will include boxes, furniture and fixtures.

There are a few commercial moving companies that are able to provide the very specialized services need to move manufacturing facilities to fabrication and production lines and fully operational plants. These moving companies have move managers and on-site coordinators as well as trained crews that are able to not only complete the move, but address all the breakdown and rebuilding of the components that are involved in these complex moves.

Pre-Move Planning

With any type of industrial move, commercial moving companies will want to have time to work out logistics and move specifications with the team. This means meeting in advance to determine what needs to be moved and in what order, and also what components of the plant, line or area will be handled by the moving company and what may be addressed in-house.

With most industrial moves the commercial moving service will handle complete breakdown or deconstruction of the assets, and then re-install the components in the new facility. By pre-planning this component of the move, it is completed logically and efficiently and in a way that is going to save time and prevent any possible delays or issues.

IT Components

While fixtures, equipment, lines and structures are one category of considerations for an industrial move, the other component is dealing with all the technology and IT equipment.

Using a commercial moving company with technicians who can relocate the IT components that are such a part of manufacturing and industry is a big plus. When the big components are in place, there is less fine tuning required by your IT department to get the system back up and running.

With any industrial move, as with all commercial moving contracts, getting the job completed within the promised window will be critical. Time is money when the plant or industrial company is offline and non-productive, so a moving company with the trucks, professionals and experience necessary is a very important factor in making a selection.

In Houston, which is an industrial and manufacturing hotspot, choosing the right commercial moving company starts with researching each mover, interviewing them and getting quotes, and then checking resources to find the most professional company for your relocation.