Holistic Drug Rehab Features DBT in Its Treatment Approach

by | Apr 22, 2016 | Rehabilitation

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Recovery programs today ensure that patients succeed at their goals by offering holistic drug rehab treatments that are personalized to the individual. One of these treatment approaches is dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT.

DBT Skills

When rehab clients are treated with DBT, they learn four sets of behavioral skills. These skills include:

  • Mindfulness, or the practice of being present in the moment

  • Tolerance to distress, or the ability to withstand pain and stress in difficult circumstances

  • Interpersonal effectiveness, or how to ask for what you want, as well as how to say “no” without any repercussions personally

  • Regulation of emotions, or learning to change your reactions to your emotions

Obtaining Further Information about DBT and Related Therapies

Blueprints for Recovery is our long-term drug treatment facility that offers DBT and other innovative holistic drug rehab therapies. Anyone wishing to stay up to date with Blueprints for Recovery and DBT therapy can call us today at (888) 391-9772. You can also fill out a form on our contact page.

By arranging a consultation, you can learn more about DBT, which is generally used for rehab clients that are experiencing multiple problems that need treatment. Treatment targets include:

  • Life-threatening behavior

  • Therapy-interfering type behaviors, including arriving late at sessions, canceling appointments or not showing cooperation in working toward a treatment goal

  • Quality-of-life issues, including financial or housing type crises, relationship issues or mental disorders

  • Skills acquisition, or learning better, more effective skills to replace actions that are non-effective or non-productive

Dialectical behavior therapy is based on the premise of accepting patients for who they are while acknowledging that they need to change their behavior in order to realize their goals. This type of approach is one of the reasons that drug rehab is necessary for people who have addiction and substance abuse issues and need to make strides toward recovery.

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