If you’ve never been arrested, chances are the only things you know about how arrests, trials and sentencing are from watching television or movies. While these shows and movies are entertaining, they’re not realistic. They do have a basis on what may happen, however, and one thing you can learn from television or movies is that you need to hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Irving Texas to help with your case. Below is how your lawyer will help you. Browse website for more information.
* Bail – Your lawyer can speak with the judge for you to have your bail amount lowered or dismissed, allowing you to be able to afford your bail so you can get out of jail while you await your trial.
* Preparation for Trial – Your lawyer will prepare for the trial by gathering evidence, reviewing all evidence the prosecution has against you, and preparing a defense. There is a wide range of possible defenses, and your lawyer will choose the right one for your case.
* Trial – During the trial, the prosecution has to prove you are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Your lawyer doesn’t have to prove you are innocent, just that there is a reasonable doubt that you are guilty, and this is what they will try to do with the evidence they have collected.
* Sentencing – If you are convicted, your lawyer will try to convince the judge to give you the minimum sentence for the crime you are convicted of. This can range between jail, community service, probation, fines and more, or it can be a combination of sentences.
* After Sentencing – After your sentencing is completed, your lawyer can work with you to have your charges erased. This normally happens years after your case is completed and you have proven you have not gotten into more legal trouble. Your lawyer can let you know if it’s possible to have your record erased and, if so, what you need to do.
If you’ve been arrested, you know you should hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Irving Texas to represent you and ensure you have a fair trial. Your lawyer can help from the bail amount all the way to after the settling, so you’re going to want a good lawyer you can depend on. For more information about criminal law, you can speak with a lawyer from the Law Offices Of Eric Cedillo Irving, Texas.