How Can You Avoid a Dentist in Hamden, CT?

by | Jan 23, 2018 | Dentist

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You need to visit a dentist about once every six months. If you can’t manage to get there that often, then you need to visit at least once every year. However, if you are having tooth and gum problems, you will need to visit more often than that. Therefore, to avoid going to a dental office, you need to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. Many people don’t enjoy going to a dental appointment; fortunately, a good dental hygiene regimen can decrease the likelihood of a serious problem with your teeth.

Brushing Your Teeth

The basis of any dental hygiene regimen has to be brushing your teeth. A dentist in Hamden, CT will tell you that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day. You should brush when you wake up and before you go to sleep. They would also recommend that you brush after every meal. If that’s not feasible, you should at least brush when you eat something sticky and/or sugary. You should floss your teeth as well. When food and drink are allowed to remain on or between your teeth, it will allow bacteria to grow. Such bacteria is the cause of many types of gum disease.

You can get more information by visiting the website of a great dental office. They will answer many of your questions.

Brushing Too Hard?

If you see pink in the sink when you brush your teeth, you are likely not brushing too hard. That’s likely a sign that you have the early stage of gum disease. It means that your gums have become swollen and likely inflamed. If it’s not accompanied by any pain, you might wait a day to see if it resolves. If it is accompanied by pain or it lasts more than a day, you need to get in touch with a dentist immediately.