How Do the Dentists in Mankato MN Treat Cavities?

by | May 22, 2015 | Dentistry

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While there are many oral health concerns that can cause a person’s smile to be unhealthy, there is one that is a greater threat than others. Cavities are one of the biggest threats to the teeth because they can quickly eat away at the tooth enamel and enter inside where massive damage occurs. Those with pronounced levels of decay can end up dealing with tooth loss and gum disease. This is why the Dentists Mankato MN need to see patients who are exhibiting signs of decay so their teeth can be treated and protected before major damage occurs.
Common signs of cavities in teeth include:

• Pain

• Dark and white spots on the teeth

• Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures

• Tooth damage

Unfortunately, these signs often do not occur until a cavity has become advanced. With preventative care appointments, the Dentists Mankato MN can find cavities before they even begin exhibiting outward signs that can be noticed by the patient. These appointments, coupled with care at home, can be helpful in preventing tooth problems like decay.

Once the Dentists Mankato MN have diagnosed a patient with a cavity, treatment needs to be carried out as soon as possible so the tooth does not continue to decay. Treatment for a cavity is fairly straightforward and involves removing the decayed areas so the tooth can be filled.

The Dentists Mankato MN will first make sure the patient is completely numb so treatment can begin. Using special dental tools, the dentist will remove as much of the decayed tooth tissue as possible. This is typically the longest part of the treatment procedure because the dentist must be thorough while protecting the core of the tooth where the nerve lies.

When as much decayed tissue has been removed as possible, the filling can be put in place. Filling materials may be made from porcelain, composite material, amalgam or metal alloy. Back teeth require strong fillings like metal alloy and amalgam while front teeth can be filled with composite or porcelain.

If you have noticed signs of cavities in your teeth, visit website domain so you can learn about your options for treatment. Through this site, you can discover the many dental treatment options they offer and how they can protect your smile.