How Does a Family Dentist in Madison AL Deal With Trauma?

by | Dec 10, 2014 | Dentistry

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Facial trauma is caused by traffic accidents, fights and sporting accidents, most of the time. Young men are the most frequent victims. However, trauma can happen through a number of ways. Seeing a family dentist in Madison AL may be the best way of correcting your injury.

Your Dentist

A specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery is trained to treat patients with facial trauma. Many can provide care for children suffering facial trauma. Their expertise consist of:

* Fractures of the mandible and maxilla (lower and upper jaws)

* Fractures of the bones of the cheeks, nose, orbits, maxillary and frontal sinuses

* Traumatized teeth, mobile with or without displacement

* Facial cuts and lacerations

* Intraoral cuts and lacerations

The treatment of facial injuries requires a certain science and a deep technical experience. Dentists are called to treat injuries from simple to more complex and include long-term influence of patient care concerning the function and appearance of the face.

Dental injury

Dental damage is found mostly in the upper incisors, as being the most prominent, because they are the first to receive the shock on impact.

* Dental fractures: There are many types of fractures. They can involve only a corner of the tooth or the entire crown (visible part of the tooth in the mouth). In addition, the fracture may also involve the root. A fracture of a tooth makes it painful and mobile.

* Gum lesions: These are often bruises, which may require stitches and will heal in a few days.

* Lesions of the alveolar bone that supports the teeth: A lesion of the supporting bone results in mobility and an abnormal position of the tooth. It can be a dislocation (abnormal movement of the tooth in its socket) or an avulsion (the tooth is completely expelled from the cell). In some cases, it is possible to replace the tooth in place. It heals without problems, but there can also be complications, which means the tooth has to be extracted.

Mandibular fracture

The mandible (jaw) can be fractured in many places. Fractures can be found on one side only, or be symmetrical on the left and right side of the bone. Overall, a mandibular fracture is characterized by pain, swelling, difficulty opening the mouth or swallowing and occlusion (contact with the upper teeth with those below). To learn if you need surgery, contact your local Family dentist in Madison AL today.