There are a number of ways for a physician to look at the inside of a patient; X-Ray, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI are all commonly used. They all have advantages and disadvantages and the doctor will order the tests using a specific method. Often an ultrasound cannot provide an image if there is a heavy mass in the way, such as bones. In the case of X-Rays, they can show bones but not soft tissues. MRI high field in Riverhead NY can show all the features of the body and can detail small areas from many angles.
MRI scanning is a procedure that uses huge magnets, electromagnetic pulses and computer technology to take the raw input and convert it into readable images. It is commonly thought that MRIs have changed the diagnostic process for ever and for the better.
A human being is made up from a lot of different materials, one of which is atoms, billions of them. The human body is mostly water, H2O. H2O is comprised of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom, these spin randomly when the circumstances are normal. If these atoms are subjected to a powerful magnet, most of them stop their wanderings and all point in a common direction; aligning themselves with the direction of the magnetic field. The MRI scan normally sets out to align half the atoms with the feet and the other half pointing toward the head.
The concept behind the MRI high field in Riverhead NY scan lies in knowing that only a few atoms will refuse to line up with all the rest, the few that do not spin at random in the magnetic field make them obvious as they stand out. A radio frequency pulse targets the atoms that are still roaming at random; they absorb this energy and then spin in the opposite direction. There is an array of small magnets in the MRI scanner that come to life as this reversal happens which localizes the efforts of the scan on the part of the body that is subject to examination.
MRI scanning is extremely safe although during the scan, the machine makes a loud noise and the patient must lie perfectly still in a tight space which will prove to be claustrophobic for some patients.
North Fork Radiology conduct MRI high field in Riverhead NY. The three stage process is carried out by board certifies Radiologists all of whom are fellowship trained.