How Long Does it Take to go Through Menopause?

by | Aug 16, 2017 | Healthcare

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Do you have questions about menopause? If so, you aren’t alone. There are many people in Tampa and all around the country who have questions about this phase of life. When you enter your 40s, your body will naturally stop producing as much estrogen as it did in the past, until you no longer menstruate. When you have completely stopped menstruating, then you will have entered menopause.

The Three Stages of Menopause

There are three stages of menopause, which include perimenopause, menopause and post menopause. There are many people who confuse perimenopause and menopause. The perimenopause stage is when a woman is making the transition into menopause. Symptoms of this stage include vaginal dryness, night sweats and hot flashes.


Symptoms of perimenopause can last up to four years; however, there are some women who experience symptoms of this state for over 10 years. It is also possible for a woman to experience menopause in Tampa before they reach the age of 55. Early menopause occurs in any women who begin to experience the symptoms before the age of 45.

Symptoms of Menopause

If you are wondering if you have begun going through menopause in Tampa, getting to know some of the symptoms can be beneficial. Some of the most common symptoms include vaginal changes, cold flashes, night sweats and hot flashes. These symptoms will continue on during each stage of this process.

Some of the other symptoms of this condition include headaches, breast tenderness, racing heart, dry skin, mouth or eyes, PMS and lighter or heavier periods.

When it comes to menopause in Tampa, there are medications that can prevent a woman from going through this. It is best to speak with them to see if this is an option for you.

Learn more about menopause by visiting the Business Name website.