How To Care For Invisalign In Chicago

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Dental Services

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There are many dental alignment systems available on the market, from braces to mouth-guards to Invisalign. Many consumers have begun using Invisalign for the benefits that come with using a clear, easy to remove, and incredibly effective dental alignment solution. The best way to ensure that your Invisalign lasts as long as you need it to is to take care of it properly, in a way that ensure its longevity. Here are a few tips on how to care for Invisalign in Chicago.

Practice Proper Oral Hygiene

While it may seem obvious, one way to ensure that your Invisalign stays clean and free from bacteria is to ensure that you practice proper oral hygiene, each and every day. This means brushing your teeth, flossing, and using fluoride after each meal. If this proves to be impossible, try and at least do this after breakfast and dinner, and use some gum or mouthwash for lunch. This helps prevent food particles from building up on your teeth and spreading to your Invisalign.

Clean Your Aligner Frequently

One great way to remember to keep your Invisalign clean is to conduct a thorough clean each and every time you remove it to brush your teeth. It’s also a good idea to rinse it out with water when you remove it for meals. Avoid the use of actual toothpaste when you clean the Invisalign, and instead use a mild soap such dish soap. Work it into a later and then use a toothbrush or q-tip to apply the soap to the aligner. Never use a hard bristled toothbrush or one that has come into contact with toothpaste. This could cause premature degeneration of your aligner. You should take care to never leave your aligner in extreme weather conditions, such as excessive heat or cold, and avoid relying on your dishwasher to clean your Invisalign for you.