If your dentist recommends oral surgery in Chanhassen, MN, to treat a dental health issue, you will need to make sure you prepare for the surgery correctly. While your dentist will meet with you before your surgery and provide you with instructions to follow, it’s essential to understand what to expect ahead of time. The following are some things you should do to ensure you have a successful surgery.
Ask Plenty of Questions
Even a small misunderstanding can create issues when you need oral surgery in Chanhassen, MN. During your pre-surgery consultation, bring a list of questions to ask. Don’t be afraid to ask anything and get clarification on anything you don’t understand. The more informed you are before your surgery, the more likely you will have an easier time recovering.
Bring Someone Along
In many cases, you will require some form of sedation during your oral surgery in Chanhassen, MN. For this reason, it’s advised to bring someone else with you to your dental appointment. This person can drive you to and from your appointment, so you don’t put others on the road at risk. In addition, depending on the type of surgery and sedation, you may need to ask someone to spend the first 24 hours with you in case there are complications.
Follow Fasting Instructions
If you need to undergo sedation, your dentist will provide you with explicit instructions about eating and drinking before oral surgery in Chanhassen, MN. You should avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before your procedure. Doing so will reduce the risk of aspiration during your surgery. You may also be asked to stop certain medications for a period before your surgery to prevent other complications. Follow any instructions you are given to the letter.
If you’re getting ready for oral surgery in Chanhassen, MN, visit the Chanhassen Family Dentistry to learn more about what you should know.