How to Remove a Lien on a House

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Financial Services

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A lien on a house is a legal claim that allows creditors to collect money from a debtor who owns real estate. Liens can be placed on your home or property if you owe money on a loan, taxes, or other debt. Removing a lien from your house or property is not an easy process, but it can be done if you take the right steps.

The Process for Removing a Lien on Your House

The first step in removing a lien from your house is to contact the creditor and try to negotiate an agreement that will allow you to pay off the debt without having the lien on the house remain in place. If this is successful, the creditor should provide you with written documentation of the agreement, and they must also file paperwork that releases the lien with the county recorder’s office.

If negotiation fails, then you may need to pursue litigation in court in order to have the lien on the house removed. You will need to hire an attorney and go through the court process to have the matter settled. This can take time and money, so it’s important to weigh all of your options carefully before deciding which course of action is best for you.

Have Someone Else Purchase the Lien

Another option is to have a company such as Mayflower Judgments purchase the lien from the creditor. This can be an attractive option because it means you don’t need to pay off the debt outright. Instead, the person who purchases the lien will own it and will then be able to collect any payments that are made in order to satisfy your debt. However, you will still need to negotiate an agreement with the lien purchaser that works for both of you.