How To Use The Anti-PDL1 Antibody

by | Jul 21, 2017 | Science and Technology

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The interactions between PD-L1 and its receptor PD01 provides an inhibitory and stimulatory signal regarding T-cell activation and tolerance with tissue allografts, during pregnancy, and for those with autoimmune disease. It is primarily expressed in antigen-presenting cells, placenta, some tumors, and activated T and B cells. The Anti-PDL1 antibody is designed for research purposes and has a clone called SP142. The immunogen is the synthetic peptide, which is derived from the C-terminus of the human PD-L1 protein. Its isotype is the Rabbit IgG, and it has no determined epitope. The molecular weight is 32 kDa, and it has been tested in humans.


The Anti-PDL1 is designed to be used with Immunohistochemistry applications. You should choose Formalin-fixed or paraffin-embedded tissues for this antibody. Deparaffinized slides should be used at all times. When choosing the concentrated version, you will want to dilute the antibody using a ratio of one to 100. You can also find a pre-diluted version suitable for IHC applications.

To retrieve the antigen, you will need to boil the tissue section in an EDTA buffer with a pH of 8.0 for 10 minutes and then allow it to cool to room temperature for 20 minutes. This antibody must also be incubated before you can do your visualization. Incubate for ten minutes at room temperature. You may also have to follow a staining protocol.

The positive control is the placenta with cellular localization occurring in the membrane.

Purchase Options

The concentrated versions come in 0.1, 1.0, and 0.5 ml in a PBS/1% BSA buffer with a pH of 7.6 and less than 0.1% sodium azide. You can also find a 7.0ml pre-diluted version, as well.

The Anti-PDL1 antibody can be used in a variety of research applications. Visit Spring Bioscience now to learn more and purchase some for your lab.