Hypertension is the elevated levels of blood pressure continuously or steadily. To understand the process, it is important to define what blood pressure actually is. The heart puts pressure on the arteries so that they lead the blood to the different organs of the human body. The maximum pressure is obtained at each contraction of the heart and the minimum, with every relaxation. Only a Family Doctor in Atascocita can determine if you have hypertension.
Hypertension: why is it a risk factor?
Hypertension is a greater resistance to the heart, which responds by increasing your muscles (left ventricular hypertrophy) to address this overexertion. This increase in muscle mass ends up being harmful because it is not accompanied by an equivalent increase in blood flow, and it can cause heart failure and angina (chest pain). In addition, the heart muscle becomes irritable, and arrhythmias occur. In patients who have already had a cardiovascular problem, the pressure may intensify the damage. Hypertension promotes atherosclerosis (accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries) and thrombosis (can cause a heart attack or stroke). In the worst cases, high blood pressure can soften the walls of the aorta and cause dilation (aneurysm) or explode (which inevitably causes death).
How does high blood pressure affect the brain?
When arteries become stiff and narrow, insufficient blood flow becomes an issue and causes the appearance of cerebral infarctions (stroke or ischemic stroke). The rise in blood pressure can also cause the rupture of an artery, causing brain hemorrhages (stroke or hemorrhagic stroke). Does high blood pressure affect the kidneys? The pressure causes stiffness in the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys. But it also damages the kidney itself, which can lead to kidney failure and that requires dialysis. In addition, if the kidney is damaged it can cause increased blood pressure. Your local Family Doctor in Atascocita can determine the extent of your hypertension.
How does high blood pressure affect other organs?
If it affects the arteries of the legs and causes pain when walking. If you damage the arteries of the retina, it causes vision disturbances. Actually, in men, it can cause impotence. Keeping your blood pressure under control is a must. Visit a local doctor or check out to learn more.