Ideas For What to Say on Monuments in Connecticut

by | Aug 3, 2016 | Business

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Choosing the right monument can be a real challenge. After all, choosing this monument may feel as if it is the last truly tangible thing that a person can do for their departed loved one, so making the right choice really matters. The size, shape, and style of the monument will all vary according to several things. First, it is always important to consider whether the departed loved one left behind any specific wishes regarding their monument. If they did not leave any specific instructions, some family members or friends may recall conversations with the deceased that will lead them to make a monument choice that the deceased person would truly love.

Once the right monument is chosen, the question of what to say on the monument comes up. Some people will want to go with the most simple monument possible. This would usually include only the name, date of birth, and date of death of the deceased person. However, most people want to really personalize a monument so that it is as much of a reflection of the deceased person as possible. There is a multitude of ways to do this.

Many people feel that biblical verses make the ideal monument inscription. If the departed person had a favorite bible verse or story, that could be etched on the monument for everyone to remember them by. Other people had a particularly strong connection to a person, for example, a famous person who had an inspiring quote. That quote can be a beautiful way to remember how much the deceased believed in those words. Even something like song lyrics can be an excellent inclusion on a monument.

Many family members of the deceased want to say something on the monument about how much their family member meant to them. For example, a monument might say something like “Beloved husband, father, and brother.” Remember, a monument can be just as personal and unique as the deceased person was. Trying to choose the ideal Monuments in Connecticut? Shelley Bros Inc are local leaders in the funeral services industry, and they are ready to help. Give them a call to learn more today.