Owners of an older house sometimes decide to begin an extensive do-it-yourself remodeling project. Before starting, they should hire an electrician in Redmond Oregon to upgrade wiring if the renovations will put significantly more demand on the power system. The electrician can add other features at this time as well.
Upgrading to a Breaker Panel
Electricians may recommend that homes with fuse boxes upgrade to a breaker panel. Additional circuitry can be added, with space left open for possible future needs.
Kitchen Remodeling
In a kitchen, more outlets and upgraded wiring could be needed for additional small appliances and a larger microwave oven. A bigger refrigerator also may require extra energy, although that might not be the case if this is a new, more energy-efficient model. The homeowners may want another lighting system installed, such as track lighting over the snack bar. An electrician in Redmond Oregon can complete all of these projects.
Offices and Workshops
Converting a bedroom to a business office also will likely require additional outlets and upgraded wiring. People tend to use a power strip to plug in a computer, additional monitor, printer, and battery chargers. They might have a desk lamp plugged in too. The electrician will want to make sure one outlet can handle the load.
A new workshop in the garage or garden shed could require an additional breaker panel, depending on whether the equipment needs substantial electricity. Better lighting will be desirable.
Concluding Thoughts
Most owners of older houses decide to have an electrician update the wiring at some point. Electricians generally recommend having residential wiring inspected once it’s more than 30 years old. To know more please visit Ponderosa Heating & Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical today.