When you have been injured at work, you might be able to negotiate a settlement with the workers’ comp insurance company. However, many injured workers have found that the bottom line had more effect on the outcome than the extent of the injuries or a desire to protect the future of the employee. When this is the case, there is a need for strong representation in order for the worker to receive full work comp in MN.
There is more than one type of compensation that you might receive following your injuries. As you work with an attorney, you may find that one type of compensation is more applicable to your case than other form of benefits. For example, you might find that a lump settlement is the best way for you to resolve the situation and move forward with your life. Other injured workers have found that they did better with a weekly disability payment.
Your legal representation might be able to ensure that your work comp in MN includes the financial payments you need to receive appropriate medical care and education when necessary. The assistance of an attorney in the process often does not end there. Legal representation might also resolve any disputes that your employer or the insurance company wants to bring forth. If you have accumulated medical expenses or if you were not awarded disability payments that you should have received, the lawyer may also be able to help you find closure to these situations.
Should you accept a settlement for work comp in MN? Without the advice of an experienced attorney, it may be hard for you to decide. There are some advantages to settling, though. In some cases, when you take a case to court, you might end up with less than the insurance company is offering to pay. The decision to pursue a claim legally may also mean that you have to wait for months or longer before you receive compensation. However, if you do settle, you might lose the right to compensation for future medical costs if complications arise after the case has settled. You may also find out later that you were eligible for much more than the insurance company offered you. In any of these scenarios, the advice of a lawyer may help you make a better decision.
The complicated wording of a settlement for work comp in MN might make the contract seem fair to you, but you may discover later on that you were not treated fairly. For the best results in your case, contact an attorney who handles work comp in MN before you sign any settlement documents.