Is Vehicle Tracking Legitimate?

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Business

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What is Vehicle Tracking? Surely, it is nothing else but putting vehicles under surveillance?

But, isn’t surveillance an invasion of privacy? Not necessarily and does a vehicle have any privacy?

A vehicle is not a person; but, don’t you really mean that the driver is under surveillance when Vehicle Tracking is instigated? Why should you think that?

Surveillance Not Only Catches Criminals – It Also protects The Innocent

Forget about being politically correct; if you have nothing to hide; why should you get upset if someone is watching your good behaviour? When you use a “hole in the wall” type ATM; you are under surveillance – not because the bank thinks YOU are out to rob the machine; but, they watch and film so as to deter people who may wish to rob you while you use the machine. Likewise, all vehicles on many expressways and other roads are under constant surveillance – not because anyone thinks that you are fleeing the scene of a crime; but, as a way to better manage traffic flow for your safety and convenience.

But, what if I work as a driver for a company that, without my knowledge, has installed Vehicle Tracking on the company vehicle that I drive every day? Surely, that means that they suspect me of doing something wrong with their vehicle? Maybe – but that is a question between you and your conscience.

Giving you the full benefit of the doubt; why not consider Vehicle Tracking system from your boss’s point of view? Businesses exist to make profits and, in this country at least, this is seen as a good thing. The company that you work for relies on its fleet of vehicles to contribute to the profits. To efficiently manage the fleet operations, the company needs to know where its vehicles are at any given time and where they are headed. Nothing wrong with this and a perfectly legitimate use of Vehicle Tracking that would only cast suspicion on you if your vehicle is often in the wrong places at the wrong times. Should you be driving a delivery truck that regularly carries high value cargoes; Vehicle Tracking that informs the company of a sudden, inexplicable, change of route would enable them to conclude that a highjack was possibly in progress and enable them to instigate counter measures for your protection – another legitimate use of surveillance.

Fleet management by Vehicle Tracking is a god way of protecting your vehicles and improving their operating performance. Check out the GPS based systems from Vehicle Tracking Solutions LLC; full details can be found on their website at.