Learn More About Lasik Surgery in Jacksonville If You Want Better Vision

by | Feb 12, 2021 | Optometrists

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If you are fed up with wearing contact lenses or eyeglasses, you may be thinking about finding the best Lasik doctor in Jacksonville. However, before you decide to do this, it is wise to learn more about the surgery and find out who makes a good candidate for it.

Lasik surgery is appropriate for individuals who are nearsighted. This means that they have trouble seeing objects that are far away but can easily focus on nearby objects. It is also appropriate for those who have the opposite problem, which is called farsightedness. Individuals who have astigmatism, which causes overall blurry vision, may benefit from the surgery as well.

Before having the surgery performed, the best Lasik doctor in Jacksonville will go through a consultation with you. The goal is to make sure that you would benefit from the surgery. This involves an examination of your eyes and asking questions about your overall health.

The doctor will want to know if you have healthy eyes. There are some conditions that could result in complications. For example, if you have an eyelid injury, an eyelid disorder, or eye disease, you may not qualify for surgery. Your doctor may be concerned if you have large pupils, dry eyes, cataracts, or glaucoma. Individuals who have diabetes or some chronic conditions may not qualify for the surgery.

Learn how Maida Custom Vision helps their patients view the world more easily and has developed a reputation as being the nation’s best refractive eye specialists by visiting their website at web.