Major and Minor Roof Repairs in Middletown

by | Nov 5, 2014 | Roofing

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Minor roof repairs are most often needed to reseal the roof to a chimney, attic vent, or other protrusion. This is because the flashing around these objects tends to let go before the rest of the roof needs work. The flashing is a strip of metal or vinyl that is typically built into the shingles and sealed with tar or some other adhesive to provide a watertight seal. It can lose its seal over time, or due to work that was done on the chimney or vents. Such work often jars the flashing out of place, and while the chimney repair person will usually try to fix this, he’s a mason and not a roofer. This means that the flashing restoration may not hold up too long.

Major repairs are commonly associated with storms, but in reality small roof leaks are likely to be bigger threats. That’s because it’s easy to ignore a small leak as long as the water doesn’t seem to be coming in onto anything important. Alas, not all of the water comes into the house when a roof leaks. Instead, some of the water slips underneath the shingles and wets the roof all the way to the edge. This allows the roof deck – the boards the shingles are attached to – to rot out. Once a roof deck rots, the cost of repair is substantially higher. In these cases, a company like Majestic Exteriors will have no choice but to inform you that you need an entire new roof, and they will mean a literal new roof, including deck replacement and possible beam replacement.

Most people think of roofers when it’s time to get re-shingling done, but these professionals can also handle a variety of repairs. There are a few general forms of roofing repair in Middletown. Minor repairs are done to stop leaks that have developed due to things like problems with the flashing around a chimney, or because a tree branch has rubbed a hole through a few shingles. Major repairs, on the other hand, are needed to fix damage from storms, leaks that have been neglected for too long, and other types of widespread structural problems.

To stop minor repairs from becoming major problems, call for roof repairs immediately if you notice even one drop of water making it through the roof. You’ll end up saving tens of thousands of dollars over the cost of full replacement.

Visit Majestic Exteriors for more details.