Nicotine Ejuice

by | Mar 23, 2021 | Education

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In recent times, there has been a move away from smoking cigarettes. One potential alternative has been nicotine ejuice, something used in vaping. Here are a few reasons why this can be more beneficial as opposed to smoking cigarettes or other forms of tobacco.

The difference

One area people may misunderstand this is the difference between ejuice and more traditional tobacco products like cigarettes. The major health issue is not so much the nicotine itself but the additional chemicals that are made in these products that exacerbate a lot of the addictive qualities, making them more carcinogenic.

There is also the issue of how the tobacco is sourced. In our case, the leaves we have are made from a sustainable source and this reduces the risk of additional contaminants that can have a negative impact on people’s long term health.


At Purenic, we are very conscious of people’s concerns. Our products are made in laboratory conditions. If people want to look at what we do in more detail, we can offer a safety data sheet.

We work hard on quality control, ensuring that the ideal conditions are there to produce ejuice in the safest possible way.

Learn more

As well as nicotine ejuice, Purenic also offers other products such as vegetable and propylene glycol. These are designed to make the vaping process as pleasurable as possible while reducing the risks as much as possible. To find out more about what we have to offer please contact us today.