Nothing enhances your smile more than white, bright teeth

by | Jan 27, 2017 | Dentist

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If you are unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, ZOOM teeth whitening in New York is safe, pain free and long lasting. ZOOM is the teeth whitening process chosen by millions of patients worldwide.

Unfortunately, tooth discoloration is inevitable. Even with the best oral hygiene; brushing after meals and daily flossing, food and beverages as well as smoking eventually take their toll and teeth become dull and stained. The ZOOM teeth whitening process uses a hydrogen peroxide solution, the amazing results are accelerated through the use of UV light.

Is teeth whitening right for you?

To ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure your cosmetic dentist will first evaluate the condition of your teeth and gums. At the same time the dentist will ask about your lifestyle and oral hygiene routine. From this information the dentist will decide if you will benefit from the process.

In almost all cases, if you are planning on a smile makeover or other cosmetic dental treatment, your dentist will want you to undergo website.

The procedure:

When you opt for ZOOM teeth whitening you can reasonably expect your teeth to become six shades lighter in an hour or less. The dentist will first give your teeth a professional cleaning and then proceed with the whitening procedure. The first step is to protect the lips and gums with a dental dam, only the teeth will be exposed. The dentist applies the ZOOM hydrogen peroxide solution in gel form and the light is activated. Fifteen minutes later the process is repeated, a complete ZOOM treatment requires three treatments totally forty five minutes. Your teeth are now remarkably white and bright.

The entire process is pain free although some patients may feel a minor tingling sensation once the treatment has been finished, this sensation dissipates quickly.