When you finally decide where you will be attending college, the decision you will have to make is exactly where you will be living while in school. Many students automatically make the assumption that living in a dorm room is the smartest decision they can make, but that honor actually goes to moving into UW student housing off campus. There are plenty of reasons why this is so.
More Hygienic
Since a lot of people are now more aware of taking their health more seriously during such times as flu season, it makes much more sense to live in a private apartment than it is to be crammed into a tiny dorm room. If a flu or cold breakout occurs, your chances of catching one are greatly reduced when you are not living amongst a bunch of strangers.
Learn To Be Independent
One of the main goals that should be pursued while attending college is learning how to be independent. However, this can be difficult to achieve with all of the rules that the university places on the dorm rooms as well as everything basically being done for you. This is not an issue when you live in UW student housing off campus because you will need to learn to pay your own bills on time, shop for groceries, and cook your own meals, as well as a plethora of other responsibilities.
If you would like more information about moving into an apartment of your very own, please contact Alight Laramie at https://alight-laramie.com.