Back pain is a common ailment that can affect the quality of a sufferer’s life. Individuals who have ongoing pain due to spinal problems may not be able to participate in activities that they enjoy. They may put off getting involved in physical activities and even pass up social engagements due to their discomfort. While treatment is available for people who suffer from back pain, many are reluctant to have surgery due to risks and possible complications that can occur. However, Non Operative Spine Care Norman is available to sufferers. Individuals can manage their pain with medications, pain modalities, bracing and functional restoration.
Medications can be used to ease discomfort of Longevity Joint Spine Pain. Prescription strength anti-inflammatory drugs can help patients deal with back pain without the use of heavy narcotics. In addition, muscle relaxants can help back pain sufferers deal with their pain. Massages, acupuncture, and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation are pain modalities that are used to treat pain as well. Spinal manipulation from chiropractic and osteopathic therapies are also useful for dealing with discomfort. Biofeedback can also be used to to retrain the muscles that are sending pain signals to the brain.
Non Operative Spine Care Norman also can involve using bracing techniques, such as belts, braces, and collars, which offer users with persistent spinal pain relief. However, these aides are only advised for short-term use since negative long term effects have been noted. Physical therapy can restore muscle function and offer pain modality at the same time. Exercises are prescribed to offer people with back pain isometric exercises which stimulate contractions. Extreme movements are avoided since they can add to back discomfort. Swimming, walking, or biking are low impact exercises that can also be used to reduce discomfort and minimize the chance of receiving additional injuries to the back.
People with back pain do not have to continue to suffer. They also do not have to have surgery in order to reduce their pain. They can retrain their muscles and nerves and use methods that have been proven to minimize pain and promote wellness. Non Operative Spine Care Norman offers individuals treatment options that are comfortable for them. Visit for more information.