Options In Pasadena Drug Treatment

by | Jun 25, 2015 | Drug Testing Service

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One very essential and critical factor to any Pasadena drug treatment program is to see each patient as a unique individual. There are many programs out there using a “cookie cutter” approach to treatment where every patient goes through the same steps for recovery.

The top Pasadena drug treatment programs understand the same treatment is not right for everyone. What works for a person who has used a few times and realizes a problem very early in the addiction is different than the treatment needed for someone who has abused drugs for years.

By recognizing everyone is not the same, the best Pasadena drug treatment programs tailor a treatment plan to meet the individual patient’s needs, goals and treatment requirements. This doesn’t mean they aren’t research and best practices based, but it does reflect their understanding of the recovery process.


Not every patient coming into a Pasadena drug treatment program needs to go through medical detox. When someone is not a regular drug user or hasn’t used for a long period of time, detox is not required. This may be the case when an individual in recovery sees the signs of a possible relapse or if a person is coming into treatment and hasn’t used in weeks.

Outpatient Options

After detox and for those not requiring residential treatment, intensive outpatient Pasadena drug treatment is a very good option. This allows the individual to live at home, to continue to work part or full-time, and to also have the daily counseling, groups and educational programming required for recovery.

Outpatient intensive treatment is not appropriate for individuals without a strong support system or for those where codependency, family stressors or environmental factors will pose a challenge to avoiding drug use.

Inpatient or Residential Options

Residential Pasadena drug treatment programs, which may also be called inpatient programs, are ideal for most patients. It provides a structured, routine program with highly individualized support and services.

Since the patient is living at the facility the stressors of the family, work or environment are eliminated. With these issues out of the way the client has the time and space they need to learn coping skills and to internalize the changes they are making in their life.

After either outpatient or inpatient Pasadena drug treatment programs, look for long-term recovery support options. These can include daily or weekly meetings, group support and continued individual counseling to address any concurrent needs such as treatment for depression, anxiety or trauma.

To learn more about the ASAP Pasadena drug treatment programs visit us online. We offer both inpatient and outpatient options, as well as medically supervised detox. To learn more go to website.