Packetized Voice Over the Internet Unlocks the Secret to Faster Service

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Telecommunications

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By running a business phone on VoIP lines, you’ll be able to connect to individuals all over your network without having to resort to a special app. That’s according to a number of local technology specialists who’ve been researching alternatives to cellular connections that small business owners can rely on. Much like traditional phone service, you can apparently use conventional equipment that’s connected via a telephone wire center registered jack socket.

Offices that have a large amount of equipment left over from when they used traditional telephones can make new use of this gear simply by pulling it out. While the back end services that power business phone on VoIP technology are very different from those that powered older in-band signalling systems, your equipment won’t be able to tell the difference. That means you won’t ever have to make any hardware modifications just to get up and running with something you may already have laying around the office.

Perhaps the most promising aspect of utilizing a business phone on VoIP lines is your ability to store and forward messages. Whenever a client sends you something, you could make a copy of it. Visual voicemail and other related technologies make it possible to go back and forth through pieces of information you might have otherwise missed. Sophisticated machine learning-based tools make it possible to automatically transcribe messages and customer details.

In fact, it’s quite possible that many small business owners will eventually migrate at least some of their cellular workflows over to a VoIP system.