Palm Tile & Stone Gallery – Ready to Serve Your Tile Needs

by | Nov 21, 2015 | Home and Garden

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Rough porcelain tile provides many unique advantages as opposed to other types of tile. Porcelain tile can be obtained in either a rough, polished or a glazed form. All forms maintain a low moisture absorption rate (less than 5% of water applied to the tile surface). In comparison, most commercially available ceramic tile absorbs 6-10% of water applied to the surface. Porcelain can be applied indoors, but is also extremely resistant in outdoor conditions compared to other tiles. Palm Tile & Stone Gallery has one the greatest selections of rough porcelain tile in Folsom CA, as well as in Sacramento CA.

Rough porcelain tile’s greatest advantage is it absorbs the least amount of water due to its density. The rough porcelain tile won’t shine like other forms, but the non-slip effect this creates is extremely attractive to some consumers. A glaze can be applied, which further protects against water absorption and will give the tile a shine, but increase the slip factor. A quality installation can last 10-20 years or longer. If a single tile happens to crack, which is very unlikely, the tile is usually quite easy to replace.

The low water absorption rate makes porcelain tile easy to clean, even in outdoor conditions. Water, dirt and debris rest on top of the surface, and a mop, hose or broom will remove unwanted rubbish from the surface. Porcelain tile requires little maintenance besides regular washing. If stains and/or discoloration do set in, porcelain can withstand a heavy cleaner to remove it, making even this process relatively simple. Rough porcelain tile is often used for outdoor patios, meeting spaces and landscaping.

Palm Tile & Stone Gallery has two convenient locations in Sacramento and Folsom. We can cater to any of your porcelain tile needs, and answer any questions you may have in your search for the best tile for you. Contact us at (916) 368-8453 in Sacramento or (916) 983 -1108 in Folsom. We have supplied some of the best Rough Porcelain Tile in Folsom CA and we look forward to helping you with your specific needs.