Playtime, Walks, and Swimming at the Dog Park in Mt. Vernon

by | Dec 8, 2015 | Animal

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Going on vacation brings an obvious and disheartening consequence. Where is the dog going to go? It is impractical to bring a dog along for the adventure, so many families keep the dog at home in a cage. They (hopefully) have a family member or friend come by to play with the dog while they are gone. But, dogs need a lot of attention and care. They will become very depressed, and they will be miserable. They need affection and socialization, and all of that can be found at the Dog Park in Mt. Vernon.

There are three main fun dog activities at the park. Dogs get tons of time to play and run around. Areas are sectioned off for dogs that do not get along with other dogs. The trainers are always out there to watch every move and make sure every dog is behaving. They can spot signs of aggression with ease, and it becomes intuition after no time. The dogs receive one-on-one time, and some dogs may play with a trainer and no other dogs around.

The other main activity is walks. Every dog at the dog park in the Mt. Vernon area gets individual time to get out of the building and go for a walk. Walks will take the dog around the safe vicinity of the park. There are no vehicles nearby where the dogs are walked. Walking occurs about three times a day.

The last activity is seasonal. The dogs will get to experience swimming at the Dog Park, and they almost always absolutely love it. The dogs get to cool off in the water after a long day of playing. They will appreciate and love the family when they return, without having to go through days of sitting alone in a cage.

The owners get to decide if their dog can play with others or he or she needs to be alone. The trainers will accommodate any needs requested of them. They can decide how many walks would be preferred, and general ideas about training. Stop by the park at a convenient time, and explore the grounds.

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