In many parts of the country, cooler temperatures mean topping up the antifreeze levels in your company’s fleet, cars for sale, client and customers’ automobiles, construction trucks, and other vehicles. An antifreeze supplier in Florida will tell you that this liquid, which is also called coolant, is required for proper engine function in extremely diverse climate conditions, not just the cold of northern winters.
Benefits of Proper Antifreeze Use
Purchase high-quality liquid from a respected antifreeze supplier in Florida. Put appropriate levels into each of your vehicles to maximize effectiveness. The fluid flows in a circuit through the radiator and the engine to regulate operating temperatures and to help prevent corrosion.
Antifreeze Used in Diverse Climate Conditions
The term antifreeze itself reveals that this liquid is essential for cold climate operation of all sorts of vehicles. In the hotter summer months and warmer climates like the southern United States, the term coolant is used interchangeably. The unique chemical compounds in antifreeze increase the range of liquidity of water. This means the boiling point is higher, especially important with the heat of the engine involved, and the freezing point is lower.
Protect Your Business by Protecting Vehicles and Fleets
Temperature regulation created by the movement of the antifreeze from the hot combustion engine and the heater core to the relatively cooler radiator zone protects vehicle engines from numerous problems. A simply overheated engine will cease to operate properly, and you will be down a truck or other vehicle in your fleet. If a vehicle is run continuously without sufficient or any antifreeze, seal or gasket failure, fluid leaks, warping of metal, and ultimately catastrophic failure may occur.
The outcome of these issues for a company that relies on its vehicles includes everything from additional maintenance expenses to pricey repairs and even the need to replace vehicles completely.
As a lubricant and antifreeze supplier in Florida, Seaboard Neumann offers highest quality products to a diverse range of business customers.