One of the best ways to save money on your heating bills is by installing a heat pump. You may even find that doing so qualifies you to take advantage of certain rebates and tax incentives. There’s never been a better time to take advantage of this energy-efficient option. However, it’s important to be sure that the person installing your heat pump is doing so in a professional way. Because of that, we wanted to compile a few questions to ask the company you are considering to hire to take care of this need.
Are You Able to Provide Me with References?
When you ask a company offering heat pump installation in Forest Park for references, you’re giving yourself an option to find out more about the work by the company. Any company that has been around for a while should be willing and able to hand you a few references. What you need to do is ensure you contact these people. Find out if they are happy with the heat pump and any service that the company has provided since.
How Long Have You Been in Business?
There’s a follow-up question here, as well. While you do want to know that the company has been in business for a decent length of time, you also want to know they are well-versed in heat pump installation in Forest Park. Make sure to ask how many installations the company has done. If there is a specific technology you are interested in, ask questions related to that, as well.
Do You Offer a Guarantee or Warranty?
Many of the manufacturers of geothermal heat pumps do provide a warranty on the pump, but that usually covers only the parts that fail. It doesn’t include the labor costs, which can add up. Find out if the company you are considering provides a warranty on labor. You should expect this at the very least. Some companies also offer satisfaction guarantees or other promise. Find out what options you have and how robust they are.
Extra Questions
You should also inquire about whether the workers are licensed and certified to do the work needed. You may also have questions specific to your situation that you can add to this list. If you are looking for an excellent source of heat pump installations in Forest Park, you should get in contact with Hammond Services. You can learn more or set up an appointment at website.