Reasons to Call on a Family Law Lawyer in Overland Park, KS

by | Jun 29, 2015 | Law Services

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At one time or another, most people will need some type of legal counsel. That need may not have anything to do with being charged with a crime. More often, there is the need to deal with some matter that has to do with the well-being of the family. Here are a few examples of situations that call for the expertise of a family law lawyer in Overland Park, KS.

Getting Married

There are a lot of details to work out before a marriage takes place. One of those has to do with the creation of a prenuptial agreement. While the intent of the couple is to remain together for the rest of their lives, things do not always work out that way. Just in case, having a family law lawyer in Overland Park, KS, draft an agreement that protects the assets of both parties will come in handy if the marriage does have to come to an end.

Emergency Surgery

Not everyone has a spouse who can make medical decisions like emergency surgery for a loved one. What would happen if there is no adult child or spouse on hand to make such a critical decision? By choosing to create a power of attorney that names a specific individual to make those decisions, it is easier to ensure someone can speak for the patient when making a decision personally is not possible.

Taking Care of an Elderly Parent

When a parent can no longer remain independent, the kids have decisions to make. That includes how to manage the assets owned by that parent. A family law lawyer in Overland Park, KS can provide help with tasks like arranging financial and medical powers of attorney, putting together a trust that will fund living arrangements and other expenses related to the care and, in general, make sure all financial aspects are done properly and in accordance with current laws.

For any issue involving family law, contact the firm of Gilby & Haynes Law Firm LLP today. After consulting a lawyer, it will be possible to explore all possible options and settle on a course of action that will produce the desired result.