When a woman finds out she is pregnant, one of the most important things she can do for herself and her unborn baby sees an OBGYN. An obstetrician will be able to monitor the pregnancy from beginning to end to make sure she has the best possible chance at a successful birth and healthy baby. They will be able to take care of any complications that may arise along the way in an attempt to alleviate problems that could arise during or after birth, as well.
As soon as a positive pregnancy test confirms pregnancy, or if a woman has a cease in her monthly cycle, a trip to an OBGYN in Norman OK will be needed. The doctor will give a pregnancy test on-site and will do an internal exam to make sure symptoms are present signifying a woman is indeed pregnant.
The woman will be given instructions to take prenatal vitamins, stop drinking or smoking, and get plenty of rest. As the pregnancy progresses, the appointments will be more frequent. At first appointments will most likely be about a month apart. After six to seven months of pregnancy, the doctor will check over the patient every couple of weeks to make sure the unborn baby is growing at a constant rate.
There will be several tests conducted throughout a pregnancy including blood tests, glucose tests to rule out diabetes, and ultrasounds to check growth levels of the baby. If a woman is of advanced maternal age, or if there is a history of birth defects within the family of either parent, genetic testing will be done to give a better indication of whether the unborn baby will be born with special needs. While these tests are not mandatory, they can be very helpful in helping parents prepare if there is a problem to be dealt with after birth.
If someone needs more information regarding what to expect at an appointment with an OBGYN in Norman OK, browse a website like website name. This will give details about what to expect when pregnant and how to go about getting the proper care needed during this time.