Dermatologists are medical doctors that specialize in the treatment of skin diseases. They have a wide variety of medical treatment modalities at their disposal, and most dermatologists will exhaust all of these options prior to suggesting Skin Surgery in Lehigh Valley PA. However, there are some conditions that really do require surgery. Read on to find out about a few of them below.
Skin Cancer
The first step for any patient who believes he or she may have developed a skin cancer to take is to head to a specialist for a biopsy. Once this biopsy has confirmed that a growth is, in fact, cancerous, doctors will usually suggest surgical removal of the growth. This surgery is usually fairly simple and effective and can be performed in-office under local anesthesia.
Bothersome Growths
Not all growths are cancerous, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t bothersome. If patients find that their skin growths are impacting their self-esteem, appear suspicious, and may, if left to their own devices, develop into cancer, dermatologists will often suggest skin surgery in Lehigh Valley PA to remove them. These growths are usually moles that have simply grown out of control and have begun to negatively impact patients’ lives.
Cyst Removal
Cysts often resemble severe acne in appearance but, unlike acne, they will not resolve themselves over time. These sacks will continue to fill up with dead skin cells and will not go away without medical attention. Surgical removal of cysts is the best way to address the discomfort and pain associated with this skin disorder, so patients should not hesitate to ask their dermatologists about removal options.
Removal of Skin Flaps and Tags
Skin tags are not generally associated with skin cancer or any other serious medical condition, but they can be quite irritating and can certainly have a negative impact on patients’ confidence if they are located in obvious places. These flaps and tags can be surgically removed via a simple, low-risk, and minimally invasive in-office procedure. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist today to discuss options and begin the process of determining whether or not surgery may be an appropriate treatment.