If you have been charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI,) you are probably in a state of high stress right now. That is completely normal, but you can best focus all that nervous energy on getting help with your case from a good local DUI attorney in Johnson County, KS. If this is your first time being charged with DUI or DWI, you probably will be shocked to know how harsh the penalties can be in Kansas, even for first-timers.
If you are convicted of the DUI or DWI charge, you will spend at least 48 hours in jail. There is also a fine of anywhere from $500 to $1000, and you will lose your driving privileges for a month. With those first time penalties so harsh, as you can imagine, the second and third offense DUI and DWI penalties get much tougher. For second and third DUI or DWI convictions, you will spend up to a full year in jail, lose your driver’s license for an entire year, and pay fines that go into the thousands.
Obviously, you need to avoid this DUI or DWI conviction if at all possible, but the only real chance you have to do so is to get the help of a lawyer. A DUI attorney in Johnson County, KS, is the only one who knows how to evaluate your case, find the good parts and highlight them, and discredit the bad parts. Your lawyer can look over all the reports of your arrest to find out whether procedures were followed to the letter. They can look for any sign of police misconduct, and make sure that any equipment used to evaluate your state of inebriation was in perfect working order.
There are a number of mistakes that are made in DUI and DWI arrests every day, and if the people who were arrested had lawyers to help them, the chances are high they would be able to beat the charges. If you have a DUI charge and need some help with your case, the GandhLaw Firm can help. They work on DUI and DWI cases, criminal cases, and divorce cases, and can help you get through this difficult time as easily as possible. Click here for more details..