Signs that the Time Has Come for Garage Door Openers Replacement in Bonita Springs

by | Jan 12, 2015 | Garage Doors

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While having an automatic garage door opener is convenient, things can get a little anxious when the door is not opening as easily as in the past. The problem can be remedied by investing in garage door openers replacement in Bonita Springs. Here are a few signs that the time has come for this action.

The Door Hesitates

While the rails are clean and properly lubricated, the door seems to hesitate when the remote is used to active the opener. Perhaps the door even stops for a second or two on the way up or down. Assuming that nothing is preventing the door from sliding up and down the rails properly, it could be time to start thinking about new garage door openers replacement in Bonita Springs.

The Openers are Over a Decade Old

Just about everything wears out eventually, and garage door openers are no exception. Units that have been in place for over a decade are due for replacement, especially if the homeowner has to hold his or her breath every time there is the need to open or close the garage door. Keep in mind that the newer designs may be more energy efficient than the current ones, something that the homeowner will readily appreciate.

The Cost of Repairs is More Than the Opener is Worth

The opener has stopped working and an examination by a professional indicates that the mechanical failure can be repaired. Unfortunately, the cost of that repair is very close to what the homeowner would pay for a new opener. If the current unit is getting up in years, there is no point in trying to fix it. The best bet is to select a new one and have it installed as soon as possible.

For people who think that the time has come for new openers, contact the team at. They can assess the situation and come up with the perfect solution, both in terms of performance and cost. In very little time, the old opener will be out of the way and the new one will be in place, offering excellent service for many years to come.