Signs You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer For Your Minneapolis Claim

by | May 4, 2019 | Law

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There are many different types of personal injury cases. Some are relatively minor, and all parties involved are ready, willing and able to settle on an amount that is fair for the injured party. In these types of situations, a personal injury lawyer is not required for the case.

There are also personal injury cases that need to have an attorney on the job to represent your best interests in both negotiation, perhaps in mediation and definitely to represent you if it goes through to litigation. Hiring a Minneapolis personal injury attorney early in the case has advantages and can prevent mistakes that may limit your ability to obtain the maximum settlement possible.

At the very minimum, there are a few key indicators that a personal injury lawyer is a necessity in your claim and injury case.

The Other Party is Denying the Accident Occurred

If the property owner, the vehicle driver or the owner of the dog that bit you is claiming the accident did not occur, having an attorney is critical. The attorney can gather the necessary information to prove your case.

You or a Loved One is Seriously Injured

The more significant and long-term the injury is in any type of case, the greater the value of the settlement. As insurance companies try to settle for the lowest possible amount, they often make what appear to be attractive settlement offers immediately after the injury. Accepting this low settlement prevents any further claims, often leaving people with years of unpaid medical costs.

The Insurance Adjuster is Ignoring You or Will Not Negotiate

One common tactic used to delay settlement and to put injured people under pressure is for the insurance adjuster to fail to negotiate or to simple stop returning calls. Having a top personal injury lawyer in Minneapolis represent you in these discussions eliminates this behavior and gives you the advantage of a highly experienced negotiator to make your case.