Signs You need the Services of a Professional Roofer in Swansea

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Roofing

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Shingle roofs are some of the most popular options for homes and businesses. However, it is important that you have it inspected by a professional roofer in Swansea on a regular basis to ensure that there are no issues present. In addition to professional inspections of your roof, you can also look at the surface yourself to help determine if you need roof repair or replacement. Some classis signs that you should be on the lookout for are highlighted here.

Clawing or Curling Shingles

If you notice that the shingles on your roof are clawing or curling, then it is a sign that your roof is getting older and being exposed to excessive amounts of heat. Clawing and curled shingles are actually extremely susceptible to being lifted up by the wind and ice damage. The shingles that have this issue can also become rigid, breaking easily.

Bare Spots or Missing Granules

If your downspout is not placed properly, you do not have an eaves through or you have a valley that is poorly designed on the second floor of your home, it can cause a type of waterfall effect that will wash away the granules as time passes.

Missing or Broken Shingles

If your roof has obvious areas where there are shingles missing, it can weaken the entire structure and the ability for the roof to shed excess water, which can create points of entry for water. Some of the most common causes of this include excessive wind that loosens the shingle or physical damage from a falling limb.

Shingles that are Buckling

These are clearly visible as a type of wave distortion that typically run in a vertical direction up the slope of your roof. These types of shingles can become susceptible to ice and wind damage and may also be torn off fairly easily.

If you begin to notice any of these issues on your roof, it is time to call in a professional roofer in Swansea right away. They will be able to inspect your roof and evaluate its condition. If you let issues go without being fixed, it can lead to more extensive and expensive damage later on.