Stay Cool All Summer With Help From an AC Contractor in Colorado Springs

by | May 6, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Colorado Springs may have some pretty temperate weather, but even the best climates will have hot days and this area is no exception. In fact, summer temperatures can sometimes reach the high nineties making this dry region a bit tough to handle. However, you can easily avoid this problem with the help of an AC Contractor like Parkey’s Heating, Plumbing & Air Conditioning. One of their major functions is the installation of new HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems.

An HVAC is often the preferred option for cooling homes and businesses because the heating unit is part of the same design and this provides more efficiency and a more compact installation. An AC Contractor in Colorado Springs can install your HVAC in numerous places including the attic, which often happens with newer homes or the basement, which is where many older homes placed the furnace. In some cases the home may even have it’s own little closet built just for the HVAC appliance. The major difference is where and how the building’s ventilation will be run.

One of the most important functions for an AC Contractor in Colorado Springs is the regular maintenance and cleaning that your HVAC system will require. Routine, yearly maintenance will help your HVAC last for a decade or longer when properly applied which means you can get the most usage out of your expensive purchase. This is great news for all of the people who really dislike having to toss out perfectly usable equipment before it’s time. Simple maintenance includes testing the various components, cleaning the evaporator coil and verifying the level of refrigerant in the AC.

Repairing an air conditioner can be a little more complex. For instance, when the system’s condensing unit fails the technician may be required to completely replace the component. The condenser is the part of the AC that compresses the refrigerant and pushes it through the coolant lines. As the coolant cycles through the home’s evaporator coil it expands as it collects heat. By pushing newly condensed coolant through the lines this heat is forced to the outside of the home and released into the atmosphere.