Bumblebees will sting if they feel threatened and can do so repeatedly, resulting in them being a nuisance to many property owners. If an individual usually encounters bees whenever they spend time outdoors, they can locate a beehive and remove it from their property by completing the following steps for Bumble Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA.
* non-toxic pesticide
* plastic sheeting
* protective clothing and gear
* long-handled rake or shovel
Spray Surfaces Outdoors
Bumblebees often congregate on flowering plants. To prevent plants from dying or being damaged by harsh chemicals, a nontoxic pesticide should be used. A light, even coating of a pesticide should be sprayed across leaves, stems and flowers. If bumblebees were spotted on any other surfaces outdoors, pesticide should be administered to them.
During the day, an individual should inspect their property and try to locate a bumblebee hive. A hive may be attached to a home, tree limb or other sturdy surface. Because bees are active during the day, a hive should not be approached during daylight hours.
Destroy A Colony
Before heading outdoors to destroy a colony of bumblebees, precautions should be made to minimize the risk of being stung by one or more bees. Clothing that covers legs and arms should be worn. Netted fabric can be draped across an individual’s face and around their neck. The fabric will make it difficult for a bumblebee to sting an individual.
Bees likely will be in their hive when it is dark out. A pesticide should be sprayed liberally inside of a hive’s opening. If someone has difficulty seeing where an opening is located, they can use a flashlight to improve visibility.
Remove A Hive
After spraying a hive, it may take a day or two for bees to die. If someone notices that bees are not flying around any longer and that they do not see any bees near a hive, there is a good chance that a colony was destroyed.
Plastic sheeting or another type of disposable material can be laid across the ground. A long-handled tool can be used to loosen a hive from the surface it is attached to. A beehive can be placed inside of a trash bag before being disposed of. Additional information about Bumble Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA can be acquired by contacting The-Beeman at the-beeman.com or a similar website.