Successful Speed Dating Tips for Men

by | Jun 7, 2014 | Business

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Speed dating can be a great way to meet single people at a rapid pace. But speed dating tends to put some men off. There are ways to speed date and then there are ways no one should date. In order to put your best foot forward and enjoy speed dating, there are a few tips that will help you. First of all, speed dating is more productive when hosted by professional dating services. When you inquire about dating services for professional singles, ask about speed dating in Providence.

One of the Most Basic Tips

Do not forget to breath and smile. You want to be able to be more relaxed while in a room full of other anxious and nervous singles. Without realizing it, people tend to hold their breath or breathe very lightly with shallow breaths. Just focus on your breathing and by the time one breath is pulled in slowly and released, you will have visibly relaxed. Just remember to keep breathing or you will start to look tense again. To top off the breathing effect, smile! When you smile, other people note your happiness and it communicates to them that you are a friendly and relaxed person. It is infectious too, not to mention a potential date can also feel it.

Talk to Other Men

Speed dating makes everyone nervous. When you first walk into the room, look for another man to speak with to keep from looking awkward. Find another fella who is standing by himself and greet him. More than likely he will be relieved that you started a conversation with him and it will set you both at ease. However, if you get a negative response, do not engage with this person, just simply move on. From the perspective of being on the outside, you look like you are comfortable in this situation. Women will note this and feel like you know how to engage a room, which makes you look more approachable. They will definitely want to meet you then.

Take Your Seat like a Gentleman

Sit down like a gentleman when you take your seat in front of a woman. You made a good entrance standing confident and tall, and you need to continue to show that you are poised. Make sure you remain seated in a calm fashion without spreading your extremities or slouching, you also do not want to lean over the table too much since it makes you appear too eager.

Lunchdates has been making matches for professional singles and providing chances to be involved in speed dating in Providence. Contact them today and learn how you could meet your love match in the near future.