The Medical Weight Loss Center in Louisville KY, known as InShapeMD, has a multi-layered program to push patients to lose weight healthily. Weight loss is an uncomfortable challenge that will force all patients to be the most determined versions of themselves. The center takes a larger look at weight loss by using complementary methods. There are three overall paths that patients will venture down so they can truly see results- for the last time.
The Countdown Diet
The Countdown Diet has a clear mission using a few sneaky strategies. The first is to offer a protein-dense diet of healthy protein and not protein based on fat, such as eggs and red meat. Through the effort, patients will eat a diet that has specific calorie control and strict measures for calorie intake. It expresses discipline. Patients will see an increase in their metabolism, which will have a clear effect on the potential for weight loss. The plan will lower bad cholesterol by fine-tuning protein intake and burns abdominal weight for a tighter chest.
Tight Workout Schedule
The famous diet is complemented by a strict yet concise workout plan. The plan will have patients take one big workout day, one smaller day, and a break day in various patterns. All patients will receive a consultation, so they know exactly what they are getting into in their pursuit of serious weight loss.
Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements are as they are titled. They are supplemental to losing weight. They do not typically work in total isolation. A patient will not find a lot of success if they are inactive and eating poorly, but they take their diet pill every day. These supplements are tools to enhancing an exercise regime and a healthy and well-varied diet. By themselves, they do little good.
These are the three main areas of focus for the overall diet plan at the center. Individuals looking to finally lose the weight, and for good, can visit the website of the Medical Weight Loss Center in Louisville KY. The approach tactfully addresses issues of hunger pains, difficulties in keeping the weight off, and the levels of bad cholesterol that are keeping patients down.