The Basics of Automatic Home Security in Pettis County

by | Jun 23, 2014 | Safety and Security

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There are many things that can be done for Home Security in Pettis County, but simple passive measures can’t beat the power of a good burglar alarm system. Sure, most thieves will keep looking if they find a lock that’s hard to pick or break-resistant windows, but what about the exceptions? That’s where the burglar alarm comes in. If a thief isn’t deterred by the alarm company’s sign on the property, the alarm will sound, and in many cases, will also send an alert either to the alarm company or directly to the police.

The first part of a security system’s power is passive, but it serves as a strong deterrent. The part in question is the sign that a security company like Nightwatch will place in the yard. It warns potential criminals that there is an alarm present, and most criminals don’t want to have to worry about something sounding off and letting the entire block know that they’re there.

Some crooks, however, are not afraid of signs. Either they don’t believe that there’s really an alarm, or they think that the potential haul will be worth the risk. That’s when the security system’s next level comes into play. Most of today’s systems include cameras, and a good setup will have some that are visible and some that are not. If a thief disables the visible ones or avoids their fields of vision, the hidden ones will be making video of everything he does.

If the thief persists and opens a door or window, the security system becomes fully active. An alarm will sound, and it will also send an alert to the security company or to the police. If the alarm goes to the security company, the company will usually check to see if it’s a legitimate alert. Each system can be a bit different when it comes to alerting, so Click here to find additional information about specific types of Home Security in Pettis County

Once the alert goes out and is verified, the police will be notified. By the time they arrive, the thief will have likely given up and run away thanks to the shrieking alarm that has destroyed his stealth potential. If he was stubborn, however, he’ll get arrested and have plenty of time to think about why breaking into a house that had an alarm was a bad idea.