Auto accidents are rising at an alarming rate in this country. Many of them are caused by people who drive carelessly or while distracted by electronic devices. Many other accidents are caused by people under the influence of drugs or alcohol. That type of drivers can cause serious accidents that result in injuries. In these situations, it is important to get legal help to protect the rights of the injured party. Auto Accident Lawyers in Hollywood FL can ensure the at fault driver pays for all damages.
After an Accident
When an accident occurs, it is important to get medical help as soon as possible. It may be a good idea to at least get checked by medical personnel after an accident, even if no pain is felt. An accident can often cause endorphin to be released that can mask pain. Sometimes, soft tissue injuries are not evident till hours or days later. Waiting to see a medical professional can sometimes cause delays and issues to obtain compensation.
If an Injury Occurs
Any injuriescaused by an auto accident are the responsibility of the – at-fault driver, including any and all costs that come from such an injury, like emergency care as well as any ongoing tests or treatments. In addition to these costs, the at-fault driver is also responsible for any damage to the vehicle or property involved. They are also responsible for any physical therapy or care necessary to treat the victim’s injury, even if it caused a permanent disability. The at-fault driver is also responsible for any lost wages due to the injury.
The Insurance Company
Many of these accidents are handled by an insurance company, who will attempt to keep their costs low and try to settle as soon as possible. This can often happen before the full extent of a person’s injuries are known. Auto Accident Lawyers in Hollywood FL can deal directly with the insurance company to ensure all costs are covered. They can even pursue other insurances that may cover the costs of the injury. Click Here for more information about these and other services available.