The Benefits of Day Habilitation Facilities

by | Feb 25, 2013 | Health and Fitness

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For those people in society who have developmental disabilities, it can be a challenge to lead a healthy, happy life. Learning to be independent and self-sufficient is integral into what makes a person a mature person, but those with developmental challenges may not get the help and skills necessary to learn independency unless they attend a day habilitation in New Bedford, MA.

One benefit to going to a day habilitation center is the ability to exercise in a safe and structured environment. Having a strong and fit body is just one by-product from exercise. Exercise also builds fine and gross motors skills. Playing games and participating in organized sports teach coordination and makes not only the body stronger but the mind sharper.

Hippotherapy is a therapeutic technique used by therapists to help develop motor skills for people with occupational disabilities. These patients who struggle with fine and gross motors skills work with horses to help improve these skills and the results are quite remarkable.

Having a sound body cannot be achieved solely by exercise and playing games. A person must also learn the importance of a proper diet and some basics about nutrition. A qualified day habilitation center in New Bedford MA will have an on-site nutritionist or health counselor to work with patients to establish grounded eating habits. Any necessary hygiene skills should also be discussed and taught as well.

Another benefit to going to a day habilitation in New Bedford, MA center is being able to work with a speech therapist. Having poor verbal communication skills can make functioning in life– disabled or not– frustrating and challenging, but by going to a day habilitation center, a person with speech disabilities can expect to see tremendous improvement in their vocal skills. Therapists use traditional picture books to help patients, but they also use electronic media as well, such as tablets and laptops. iPads have become particularly successful in helping rehabilitate people with speech problems.

Exercising, learning to eat healthier and having access to speech therapists are just a few of the benefits you can expect a loved one who has developmental disabilities to be exposed to. People are social creatures and being able to participate in group activities like arts and crafts, music and dancing, even just enjoying a cup of coffee will reap tremendous success with helping your loved one become more independant and have more self confidence.

Finding which day habilitation program in New Bedford, MA will be better for your loved one. Get in touch with Better Community Living, Inc. for all types of day habilitation services.