The Decision Is Made

by | Apr 14, 2014 | Home Improvement Services

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OK so you’ve weighed up your options and for all kinds of reasons it’s out with the old and in with the new. It is taken as given that you have decided that the kitchen remodeling is going to be worth the effort in terms of time, money and possibly even the comings and goings of work crews through your home. It cannot be understated a full kitchen remodel is a large undertaking whether you are from Rockland County, NY or the city of Cape Town, this one choice that requires the utmost consideration if you are to avoid an unmitigated nightmare of mistakes and mishap.

What do you actually need?

This requires make a list of wants and actual bona-fide needs as well as a healthy dose of flexibility between the two positions for a given situation. You may be in a new relationship where, although you could have no culinary aptitude in the slightest. However, your new partner is a total foodie and has the whole caboodle as far as utensils are concerned but the kitchen is severely lacking in appliances. A further need might be that the last cabinets have finally fallen off the wall and in the process smashed your crockery. As far as your want list is concerned perhaps the dish washer is completely functional but may the wrong color and to noisy. You need to ask yourself is there actually any need to replace it?

Demolition and permits

Depending on your desired final outcome you could be undertaking major construction work on the property. Are you replacing windows? Are you taking down walls? Are you extending your current kitchen? Before the first quote arrives at your virtual or real inbox, you need to ensure that you have planning permission for any and all work that you wish to undertake. This extends to the structure of the home, remember that walls require jolts and to remove any pipes or drainage components the utility companies will need to be informed. This is of course a major headache if you are planning a total overhaul. This is one reason why many homeowners use contractors; the firm will handle this side of the operation. In essence they contact all relevant agencies making sure nothing is left out.

RWS Home Building and Remodeling provides high quality services for kitchen remodeling in Rockland County, NY.