Are you nervous at the thought of undergoing a root canal? Maybe you are wondering about its necessity, or what to expect before, during, and after the treatment? No matter the questions you may have, a Chicago, IL Root Canal is one of the most routine procedures in dentistry today. This dental treatment is necessary when the pulp of the tooth, which is the soft tissue in the center of a tooth that houses the nerves and blood vessels, is infected. It sounds daunting, but the advantage is that most root canals can save the tooth.
How does the problem start?
Normally, dental pulp is protected by an external dental material. But, if it is exposed (if you break a tooth, have cavities, or undergo serious dental treatments), the pulp becomes vulnerable. Saliva and bacteria will then be able to reach the nerve and begin the infection process. Dental nerves are very delicate, which means that you need to ensure dental hygiene is kept up religiously. When the pulp tissue dies, or if the infection is not stopped in time, it will spread. This can result in bone damage, and subsequent tooth loss.
Why not just pull the tooth?
Extracting the tooth may seem like a solution, but keeping your tooth is, by far, the best option. Losing a tooth can cause jaw and alignment problems for the rest of your teeth. Even its replacement with an artificial tooth has drawbacks. A well-balanced diet (people who tend to avoid certain foods) is will be needed if artificial teeth are placed. If these things do not convince you, then you should know that Chicago, IL Root Canal treatments are usually cheaper than a tooth extraction and placement of a bridge or an implant.
How do I know if a root canal is needed?
A common problem of dental pulp issues is pain. If you feel pain, especially the type that keeps you awake at night, or that occurs when you drink hot or cold liquid, then you probably have nerve deterioration. Swelling may also be present. If the damage is the result of an accident, the tooth may become dark.
If you are interested in learning more about root canal treatments, contact Dr. Saul Legator, DDS for a consult.